How can I use the MedBed in my second home or while on vacation?

Basically, you can install the 90.10. MedBed in only one place, i.e. only in your house or apartment. This place is understood by the MedBed as your home. In your home you can install the MedBed on up to three beds. 

When you are in your second home, you can declare it as your home. You can do this easily by uploading photos of up to three beds that are in your second home to our quantum network. To do this, use the upload link provided to you in the video course. However, this will uninstall the MedBed on all beds in your actual home. This also happens when you upload only one photo of a bed in your second home.

That's how you proceed when you're on vacation or on a business trip: You declare the hotel room or apartment to be your home and upload photos of up to three beds in the hotel or apartment to our quantum network. Again, the MedBed will then be uninstalled on all beds in your actual home.

Back at home, you take new pictures of all the beds the MedBed is to be installed on and upload the photos again via the upload link. Then, the MedBed is again installed on the beds in your actual home.

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